We deliver highly illustrated non-fiction books to children within disadvantaged communities through schools.

We believe equality starts with education, and education starts with equal access to books. It's that simple.

Access to reading is transformational for the individual; it is more impactful in attaining life achievements than your socio-economic background or home life.

Children who own their own books at home have on average a higher mental well-being score than those who do not.

Reading for pleasure is more important for children’s cognitive development than their parents’ level of education or wealth.

feet on books

Empowering children with non-fiction

Too many children aren't reaching their full potential, simply because they don't have books at home. It's a tragedy, but one we are fighting to resolve.

At Rocket Ahead we are working with schools and publishers to provide access to non-fiction books that don’t just educate children, but fire imaginations and light the spark of ambition.

There’s more to reading than fiction. Sometimes, it’s about seeing how exciting reality can be and what’s truly possible.


Turn the page
on inequality

There’s a lot of inequality in the UK, and it oftenstarts with education. So, we’re doing everything we can to help the childrenwho are missing out.  

How? By providing free, highly illustrated, and engaging non-fiction books to the schools that need them most. 

The books are chosen because they engage pupils whilst fitting into the national curriculum which supports teachers in their lesson planning. We believe these books will inspire children to discover more about the world, and see real potential in themselves.

Parent and child reading non-fiction book

How you can help

There are three simple ways you can support our work:

Make a donation

Fund the buying and 
distribution of books to children who need them.

Nominate a school

What schools do you know where would pupils benefit from free books?

Get Involved

If you can lend help
or support in any way
get in touch.
National Curriculum logo and image of school children learning from a teacher.

Key Stage 2, we focus on children aged 7-11

Research indicates that children who are not meeting academic expectations at the age of 7 are more likely to continue to struggle at age 16. It is essential to provide early intervention and support to prevent them from falling behind and becoming disenfranchised with the education system. Together, we can break the cycle of academic struggles and empower children to pursue their aspirations with confidence and determination..


Celebrating the best with our award

Some of the most exciting children's books are illustrated non-fiction. From 2023, we'll be recognising the creators with the Rocket Ahead Award.

Children holding books on their head celebrating reading.

Support The Foundation

A bright future starts with books. That’s why we aim to level up children’s access to them.